U.S. Federal Policy Advocacy


Farm Bill Resources

Past, but Important Headlines

The Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $500 Million for Improved Regional Conservation Partnership Program to Better Support Partners, Producers,  as Part of Investing in America Agenda

The Thune-Klobuchar Bill Would Expand Sodsaver Initiative

USDA Announces Historic Investment in Wildlife Conservation, Expands Partnership to Include Additional Programs

Briefing from the World Wildlife Fund

This op-ed from the World Wildlife Fund on grasslands conversion published in The Hill, addresses unintended consequences of two federal government policies -- crop insurance subsidies and the Renewable Fuels Standard -- as they are driving conversion of grasslands when the U.S. is working toward net-zero emissions. It is based on the recent F&F policy brief "Saving Our Grasslands."

This includes policy actions the US government must take to conserve America’s grassland prairie habitats. Grasslands are critical for biodiversity and nature, hold approximately one-third of global terrestrial carbon stocks, and provide critical resilience in the face of climate change. They are also essential to livelihoods and food security. And yet each year we plow up millions of acres of grasslands, to the point where more than 70% of America’s prairies have been destroyed. Here is the full brief, Saving Our Grasslands, along with an executive summary, and a blog that can be easily shared.

Collaborative Advocacy Letters from the Roadmap to Federal Leaders

Sent on behalf of the Central Grasslands Roadmap Community to:

North America’s Grasslands Conservation Act (NAGCA)

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) Updates and Resources

From the coalition, “thank you for your continued support and commitment to the shared goal of passing this bill as we near the goal line after years of continued pressure. We appreciate all you do and we look forward to getting this done together. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Sean or Kurt anytime for more information and with questions.”

Ways to participate:

  • Register here if you’d like to participate and share the announcement with others

  • Contact stakeholders and influencers in your state and encourage them to support the act

  • Sign on to any support letters you see from coalition partners